The future of our neighbourhood is at risk.
- The proposal by the Gupta Group, at 25 stories located on the top of a hill, will tower high above existing and proposed developments.
- It establishes a very dangerous and potentially devastating height precedent for higher development up and down Bayview and beyond Glenvale.
- If approved, it will result in the inevitable loss of charm, character and privacy of our neighbourhood.
- The proposal does not consider allowances for affordable housing.
- More cars, traffic, and increased congestion getting in and out of our neighbourhood. The proposal includes only 91 parking spots for a building that has the potential to house over 1000 people.
- Additional strain on community resources and infrastructure including schools.
Donate to our defence fund for our best chance at affecting change.
- Gupta Group is aggressive, well organized, and has already appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
- We are also well organized and represented by a leading Toronto Municipal Planning Lawyer and expert witnessess, but we need your help to fund our defence. Hiring expert professionals are expensive - but for the few reasons above, and the many we have not mentioned here, we feel our neighbourhood is definitley worth fighting for. With the prospect of this 25-story high-rise tower looming, and if approved, precedent for other tall buildings that fail to respect good planing principles will follow. Now is the time to act!
- Please donate generously to our defence fund and help us reach our fundraising goal.
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